About Montessori Kids Academy
The nursery
Our Montessori nursery welcomes your children from birth, Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m (execpt wednesdays). In a large classroom called a “section”, we have the NIDO group (children aged from birth to 18 months) and the COMMUNAUTÉ ENFANTINE group (18 months to 3 years).
Infant school
Our Montessori preschool welcomes your children aged 3 to 6, Monday to Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.). In a large classroom called the“MAISON DES ENFANTS“, your children evolve under the watchful eye of English- and French-speaking educators.
After School Club
We welcome all children (whether they attend Montessori Kids Academy or not) at the end of the day, after school. We offer art and sports workshops, homework help and personalized support for children with specific language and learning difficulties. Opening in September 2025.
Our vision
It is an extension of the work of Maria Montessori.
It is about contributing to the development of human potential with the aim of building a more peaceful world.
Our work with children is essentially based on four pillars:
Through observation, he or she accompanies the child in his or her experiences. He or she masters all the Montessori materials and introduces them to the children.
Our aim is to provide children with a beautiful, well-prepared environment, offering them all the elements they need for their physical, mental, emotional, and social development.
Real objects are made available to children to enable them to experience reality with their senses. This material is freely accessible, and its primary function is to support the child’s development.
We give each child the time to appropriate and invest in the material they have chosen as often as they wish. We encourage children to complete their activities without interrupting them. Finally, each child’s rhythm is respected, and rituals are put in place to give children points of reference throughout the day.
Our values

Peace and

Tolerance and

Respect and

and Courage
The game library
opening in July 2025
Open every Saturday and during school vacations, we offer children a space for free play andfun activities. Come with your children to discover the different worlds of play (imitation games, imagination games, board games, educational games, construction games, games of skill, outdoor games), as well as free motor skills and reading.
A Montessori schoolWhat is it?
The starting point of a Montessori school is education as an aid to life. It is about educating children to freedom and autonomy in a carefully prepared environment.
Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) was the originator of this pedagogy. She has always advocated peace education as the foundation of a conscious and responsible future society.
A Montessori school wishing to authentically apply the Montessori pedagogy as elaborated by Maria Montessori must respect four criteria: a Montessori-trained educator, mixed ages of children, a specific organization of working time each day, and complete Montessori materials meeting intrinsic quality criteria.
Register your child for the next school year !
The new school year will start on September 1, 2025.
You can pre-register your child now.
Registration is possible all year round.
Our latest news
6 February 2024
Rough letters: a pillar of Montessori pedagogy
Are you familiar with rough letters, one of the pillars of Montessori teaching methods…